Sunday, April 12, 2009
He is risen!
He is risen. The stone was rolled away. The tomb is empty!
Jesus Christ is our risen Savior and Lord.
May you have a blessed Easter day!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Update on Caylee Anthony Case
"Now the investigation continues," Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary said during a news conference. "There is a lot of lab work to do. There is a lot of DNA work to do. There is a lot of crime scene work to do."
More evidence was removed from the Anthony's home early this morning, including several bags and boxes which included clothing and other unnamed items.
I'm praying for the investigators, forensics personnel and the family of Caylee Anthony. At this time of year, we should be celebrating birth, hope and renewal. Instead, many people will be working with death, destruction and loss. May God encourage and strengthen all of them... and may the persons responsible for the child's death be brought to swift justice.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Warrant Sought to Search Missing Florida Girl's Home

Caylee's mother, 22-year-old Casey Anthony, insists that she left the girl with a baby sitter in June, but she didn't report her missing until July. The mother has been charged with first-degree murder.
Earlier this month, the Orange County State Attorney turned over almost 800 pages of documents, which showed someone at the Anthony home had done Internet searches for terms like "neck breaking" and "household weapons."
In mid-March, someone used the Anthonys' home laptop to search Google and Wikipedia for peroxide, shovels, acetone, alcohol and chloroform. Traces of chloroform, which is used to induce unconsciousness and also a component of human decomposition, were found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car during forensic testing, the documents say.
Caylee's Disappearance: A Timeline from the Tampa Tribune
WKMG-TV reports that the Orange County Medical Examiner's van just left the scene, carrying the remains.
WFTV9: Remains Of Young Child Found Near Anthony Home

According to information obtained by Eyewitness News, when the meter reader picked up the bag a skull fell out. The Orange County Sheriff's Office has confirmed to Eyewitness News that the remains are from a young child. "We are assuming they are the remains of a victim," said Orange County Sheriff's Office spokesman Jim Solomons. It is not known whether the remains are Caylee Anthony. "We know we have a recent discovery. We have investigators on the scene. We need to determine what we have," said Solomons.
Deputies set up a perimeter near a small retention pond. Heavy rain pounded the scene, making the investigation more difficult. FBI agents and agents from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement were also on the scene. Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary said the area had been underwater during previous searches, so it was not surprising the remains hadn't been found before. Equusearch founder Tim Miller, who heads up a group that searches for bodies, said his volunteers had searched the area before but that it was full of water and an ATV had stirred up mud and muck and made visibility poor. When asked if the remains could be those of any other child, Beary responded, "Not that we know of."
Eyewitness News reporter Kathi Belich said sources told her they were taking this very seriously and would expedite DNA tests to determine if the remains were indeed Caylee's. Investigators told her they were "very optimistic" they had found the missing girl. Beary said the FBI had told him experts at its lab in Quantico, Va. would work through the weekend on the case if necessary.
Site of Child's Skeletal Remains Confirmed

Presently, the Anthony's are on a flight back from California. They should arrive in Orlando within the next hour or so.
The discovered remains will be sent to FBI headquarters for identification. Due to their proximity to the Anthony home, it is likely that the bones found are that of Caylee Marie Anthony.
Breaking News: Remains of a Small Child Found Near Anthony Home
FOX35 in Orlando is reporting live from outside Caylee Anthony's home. The sheriff is about to execute a search warrant on the home. Apparently, the police think there is a connection between the bones found by the utlity worker and the Anthony home. My guess is that law enforcement is trying to match the trash bag and/or the duct tape with the skeletal remains.

Here is a map of the area. FOX35 reported that the remains were found off Suburban Drive near Chickasaw Trail (on the left of the Hopespring Drive intersection). However, the description given (that being the utility worker discovered the child's body approximately sixty feet back in the woods) doesn't match with the terrain. I have marked where I believe the duct taped bag of bones was found.
This story will be updated as soon as more information is available.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Costco says 'No' to Christmas...literally

Dear Friend,
Costco has 520 stores nationwide. But you will not find "Christmas" in a single store. That's because Costco says it will not use the term "Christmas" on its website or in its stores. Instead, Costco is telling customers it purposely chooses to use the generic "holiday" verbiage. You know, they stock holiday gifts, not Christmas gifts.
Last week, a customer wrote to Costco and asked this direct question – "Does Costco use the word 'Christmas' in your store advertising or on any signs anywhere in your stores during the Christmas season? That's a pretty simple question, yes or no." Kory Rosacrans, staff manager for Costco replied, "I guess the answer would be No."
Rosacrans said, "Costco does not advertise on television, on radio or in print like other retailers. We only advertise by mailings and e-mail messages sent directly to our members who have paid for the privilege of shopping with us."
Costco wants you to do your "Christmas" shopping with them, while refusing to recognize that Christmas even exists.
Let them know that we are not going to support their decision -- with our mouths or our money.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
More Pro-Life Censorship -- At a Catholic University
When asked to run the advertising supplement, officials from "The Gonzaga Bulletin" rejected the inserts stating, "There are articles in the insertion that cast a negative light on various organizations or individuals. While these statements may be true, we simply cannot insert them in our paper per our advertising policies."
"Of course some statements in our publication are objectionable to 'various organizations or individuals.' We present documented truth about the largest abortion chain in the nation, Planned Parenthood, and its founder Margaret Sanger," noted Langfeld. "The business of abortion is ugly and we think college and university students have a right to read the facts from someone other then abortion providers."
The Gonzaga denial comes on the heels of another rejection at Allegheny College in Meadville, PA last week. "Fortunately, there's good news to report from Allegheny. After phone calls, emails and a visit form a local HLA supporter, student editors have agreed to insert 'We Know Better Now' in the January 19, 2009 issue of 'The Campus' student newspaper", Langfeld said. "We're thrilled these students have communicated with HLA and agreed to give us a voice on their campus."
More information about Human Life Alliance and "We Know Better Now" is available at
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Allegheny College Violates Their Mission Statement

Allegheny’s undergraduate residential education prepares young adults for successful, meaningful lives by promoting students’ intellectual, moral, and social development and encouraging personal and civic responsibility. Allegheny's faculty and staff combine high academic standards and a commitment to the exchange of knowledge with a supportive approach to learning. Graduates are equipped to think critically and creatively, write clearly, speak persuasively, and meet challenges in a diverse, interconnected world.
What a load of crap! Censoring the "exchange of knowledge" regarding abortion is not, in any way, promoting "moral and personal responsibility". Also, how can a student be taught to "think critically" when the idea that abortion is fine, well & good is the only idea openly expressed -- and all competing ideas are censored?!?
I truly hope that the Allegheny Christian Outreach, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Ford Chapel Deacons, Hillel, Newman Organization, Islamic Awareness Society, and Sojourners Christian Fellowship are all "raising Cain" with the staff of The Campus for not only censoring the literature offered by Human Life Alliance, but also for STEALING their money.
I would encourage everyone to contact Allegheny College to complain about the censorship and theft. There are also a few other people who need to be contacted regarding this issue:
- Gretchen Symons, Director of Student Activities:
- Kate Gullatta, Assistant Director of Student Activities:
- Barb Steadman, Director of Public Affairs:
- Penny Frank, Assistant Director of Public Affairs:
- Thomas Hughes, Editor of The Campus newspaper:
Censorship of Pro-Life Information Begins on Pennsylvania Campus
Officials at Allegheny College in Pennsylvania refuse to run an advertising supplement on abortion in the student newspaper, "The Campus." The 12-page advertising supplement "We Know Better Now," sponsored by Human Life Alliance, provides detailed information on pregnancy and the impact of abortions on student's lives.
"Our goal is to provide information on the humanity of the pre-born child and gruesome realities of abortion," stated Jo Tolck, executive director for Human Life Alliance. At Allegheny College, officials for "The Campus" had already accepted payment for the November 13 edition when a local supporter noticed it did not appear in the paper. "We were shocked the paper would take the money, have us ship 1500 copies of 'We Know Better Now' and then refuse to run the advertisement," said Tolck. "Newspapers have a right to reject advertisements, but Allegheny College student newspaper officials had ready accepted the ad., scheduled a run date and received both the supplements and payment."
Human Life Alliance has not received any communication from Allegheny College newspaper staff since they were notified of the rejection. "We contacted the newspaper upon learning that our insert didn't make it into 'The Campus' and were told our advertisement was too controversial--even after they had accepted the advertising fee," Tolck said. "The Campus" staff have been unresponsive to Human Life Alliance's request to clarify the situation. "At this point, they can't even find the advertising supplements and we have the tracking information confirming delivery," said Tolck. "We see this type of censorship all the time. It's a shame that on a college campus some individuals still oppose free and open discussion of issues relevant to students."
More information about Human Life Alliance and "We Know Better Now" is available at
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Child Sexual Exploitation in U.S. and Canada in Global Spotlight

Creating safe havens for trafficked children in the U.S. and increasing legal enforcement against child sex tourism in Canada should be two of the highest priorities for policies in North America to protect children from sexual exploitation, according to a report published jointly by Canadian and U.S. non-governmental organizations (NGOs) this month.
The report is being submitted to the World Congress III Against Sexual Exploitation of Adolescents and Children - a major international conference taking place in Rio de Janiero, Brazil next week. While the report found many important steps have already been taken in Canada and the U.S. to confront child sexual exploitation, notably the passage of strong laws in both countries, it also highlights gaps that must be filled. "One of the major gaps in Canada highlighted in this report is our very weak and ineffective sex offender registry", says Rosalind Prober, President of Beyond Borders. "If we are serious about child protection, this registry needs an immediate upgrade." The Canadian federal law that makes sexually exploiting a child in another country a crime punishable in Canada was found to not be adequately enforced. "In Canada, the lack of legal action against child sex tourism is the most glaring law enforcement gap," states the report. "While child trafficking is beginning to be recognized in Canada with several recent prosecutions, there remains significant room for further enforcement action against traffickers and commercial child sex abusers." According to Benjamin Perrin, Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia, "Canada convicted just one of its child sex tourists in the decade after promising to crack down on them in 1996 at the First World Congress Against Sexual Exploitation of Children."
In the U.S. commercially sexually exploited children are too often arrested instead of offered assistance and protection, because there are so few shelters equipped to care for their special needs. "Police officers are really in a bind in most cities. Girls as young as 12 years old are rescued from their pimps, but there are so few places to bring them. They end up in jail, with a criminal record. This has to stop," says Carol Smolenski, Executive Director of ECPAT-USA. "It is a tragedy that a child who is prostituted in American almost always goes to jail for the crime that is committed against her, while her trafficker is sometimes punished and her buyer rarely faces any punishment at all," said Shared Hope International President and Founder Linda Smith.
Other recommendations that emerged from the meeting include:
- creating a national plan of action in the United States
- developing Child Advocacy Centers in Canada
- focusing on prevention in both countries.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
President-elect Obama Reveals His Position as 'The Abortion President'
The Christian Defense Coalition, along with other faith organizations, warned that if Barack Obama were elected he would be the "most radical pro-abortion President" in American history. The reversing of these executive orders would offend millions of Americans in the faith community and betrays President-elect Obama's public statements about building bridges of unity with differing groups and being a President that respects faith and social justice.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, comments,
"It was with a profound sense of disappointment that I heard President-elect Obama's transition advisors publicly talking about reversing some life affirming executive orders once he becomes President. If Mr. Obama reverses the 'Mexico City Policy,' which forbids groups that receive American aid from counseling women about the availability of abortion, it would greatly increase abortions around the world. It would also create a scenario in which American evangelicals and Catholics would be paying for abortion referrals through their tax dollars.Mahoney further questions, Is this what President-elect Obama means by hope and change? By reversing the ban on federal funds being used for embryonic stem cell research, Mr. Obama again shows a lack of respect for social justice and the deeply held beliefs of millions in the faith community. Embryonic stem cell research is the tragic destroying of human life and with modern breakthroughs in stem cell research is no longer needed.
If President-elect Obama reverses this policy, it would show a complete and blatant disregard for the faith values of millions of American Christians as well as expanding the violence and tragedy of abortion worldwide. America should be exporting justice and human rights not brutality and violence."
We invite President-elect Obama to step into the world of modern medical technology and move away from archaic barbaric medical practices. We warned America that if Barck Obama were elected he would be 'The Abortion President.' Sadly, that appears to be the case. Since these decisions have not been made, we invite the faith community and all people of good will to pray that President-elect Obama will embrace a culture of life and stand for social justice and equality for all. We also invite the pro-life community to come to Washington, D.C. on January 21-24, 2009 to be part of 'The Birmingham Letter Project' in which people will be able to participate in a prayerful and prophetic witness for life.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
The Bright Side of President Obama
- A black man has become president of the United States of America. Just 50 years ago, the black man was still being subjected to clear-cut discrimination in many areas of life.
- There will be kids in the White House. We haven't, as a country, had multiple young children in the Rose Garden since the Kennedy presidency.
- The President and Congress cannot blame each other for partisan politics. Democrats have a clear majority in the House of Representatives, the Senate -- and now a Democratic President.