Article from ChristiansUnite.com
ESPN's anchorwoman Dana Jacobson ought to be fired for her bigoted, anti- Christian tirade at a recent ESPN function, says Dr. Gary Cass, Chairman and CEO of the Christian Anti- Defamation Commission. Speaking at an event in Atlantic City, N.J., to honor ESPN Radio personalities Mike Greenberg and Mike Golic let go with vulgar remarks like "F--- Notre Dame," "F--- Touchdown Jesus" and finally "F--- Jesus."
"The hypocrisy and double standards are outrageous," said Dr. Cass. "If she were a Christian and said the same things about Jews, Blacks, homosexuals or Muslims, the Jewish Anti-Defamation League, or the NAACP, or the Human Rights Commission or the Council on American-Islamic Relations, aided and abetted by the politically correct media, would demand nothing less than internment in rehab, court ordered psychiatric evaluations, mandated psychotropic drugs and a humiliating public apology."Celebrities such as actor Mel Gibson, radio host Don Imus and bounty hunter Duane "Dog" Chapman have suffered career setbacks after making offensive remarks and have spent countless hours trying to placate the aggrieved groups. This situation is no different and the consequences should be the same.
"Because she was allegedly intoxicated at a bawdy event, this is supposed to mollify her critics. But people speak out of the abundance of their heart. Alcohol reveals a dark, hateful heart, it does not cause it," said Dr. Cass. The CADC is calling on people of faith to contact ESPN and register their disapproval of anti-Christian bigotry.
E-mail ESPN: espn_inc@espn.com
Call ESPN: 860-766-2000
The Christian Anti-Defamation Commission is a non-profit organization devoted to protecting the rights of Christians to confidently live their faith. Dr. Gary Cass has degrees from Westminster Theological Seminary. He previously served as Executive Director of the Center for Reclaiming America for Christ, an outreach of Coral Ridge Ministries founded by the late Dr. D. James Kennedy.