Wednesday, October 26, 2005

TOPIC: A year's hiatus from the Sope-Bocks...

Folks, I abandoned this blog over a year ago simply because I was bored and didn't think anyone was reading it.

After a rather tough year, both physically and financially (more on those topics later), I have come to learn that it doesn't matter how many people read my blog. What matters is that the Sope-Bocks gives me a place to vent, to journal, to discuss (even if only with myself at times) L-I-F-E and what happens during this life of mine.
I do hope the Sope-Bocks gathers a faithful following -- mostly in hope that something here will be meaningful to others. It's not about my ego, but a hope that others will share and learn and think -- which was the original intent of the Sope-Bocks.
So, join me...

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